Shambala (661) 268-0380

Letter #3

Dear Rep. XXXX,

I am in 100% support of H.R. 1998 / S.1381, the “Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act”. As your constituent, I am asking you to support this bill as well.

Below are just some of the many benefits that will result from this legislation:

• Big cats would no longer be allowed as pets. • Public contact with big cats would be completely banned. • Cubs would no longer be exploited for entertainment purposes at birthday parties, photo opportunities at malls, or “pay-to-play” exhibits. • Big cats would no longer be victims of canned hunting. • Lions would no longer be farmed for meat. • Breeding of big cats would only occur at accredited facilities. • The USDA can perform more thorough inspections as the number of big cats in captivity decreases

H.R.1998 / S.1381 would also require current owners, who would be grandfathered in to keep their cats, to register their animals with the USDA. Right now, there is no accurate count on how many big cats are living in the United States, posing a burden to first responders on an emergency scene.

Please by my voice in Congress and support H.R.1998 / S.1381, the “Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act”.

Thank you!



©2013 The Roar Foundation - Photos © Bill Dow
No images may be removed from this web site without written permission from the Roar Foundation

The Roar Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Shambala is a member of the American Sanctuary Association.