Big Cat Facts: |
- Hunt
by sight and sound.
- Rest
a lot (to conserve energy) because they burn a of
lot energy in stalking and killing their prey.
- Largest
eyes in proportion to their body.
- Cats
are an indicator species. If you save them, you
will save all species under them.
- They
are threatened by encroaching civilization, sport
hunting, and poaching.
- The
roar of the Bengal Tiger can be heard two miles away.
- The
Bengal Tiger is capable of killing animals twice its size.
- Stripes
are individual, each as different as our fingerprints.
- The
stripe pattern on their fur is also on their skin.
- Male
Bengal Tigers will measure 9 to 10 feet in length from
the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail.
- A
male will weigh 400 to 575 pounds.
- Tigers
will live 15 to 20 years in captivity.
- Tigers
are solitary animals, getting together only to breed.
- For
more tiger facts and to see the Tigers of Shambala click
- A
male Mountain Lion can grow to 6 ½ feet in length
and weigh 110 to 180 pounds.
- Mountain
Lions have excellent vision and can move very quickly.
- They
can jump 18 feet or more.
- They
are most active at dusk, at night, and at dawn.
- Mountain
Lions are solitary, getting together only to breed.
- Mountain
Lion cubs are born with strong facial marking and dark
spots on their bodies, which fade to the subtle coloring
by the time they are one year old.
- For
more cougar facts and to see the Cougars of Shambala click
- Leopards
live in Africa, Asia Minor, Central Asia, and the Far
- They
have the widest range of any wild cat.
- They
can weigh 60 to 200 pounds.
- Leopards
are nocturnal, hunting mainly at night.
- They
are agile climbers and leapers.
- They
are strong enough to carry a full grown antelope high
into the branches of trees to keep their meal safe.
- Leopards
are spotted or black.
- Black
Leopards have spots as well, but they are black spots
on a black background.
- The
spots go all the way to the skin.
- Female
Leopards may have 2 to 4 cubs.
- Black
and spotted cubs may be found in the same litter.
- There
is no such species as "panther." This is simply
the black version of the leopard or the jaguar.
- For
more leopard facts and to see the Leopards of Shambala
click here.
- The
Lion is the only cat with a tufted tail.
- They
are the only cats whose males have a mane.
- Lions
are the second largest feline in the world, the largest
being the Siberian Tiger.
- Male
lions weigh 385 to 450 pounds.
- Lionesses
weigh 150 to 320 pounds.
- A
male Lion can grow to 11 feet in length.
- The
Lion is the only truly social cat, living in groups called
- A
Lion's roar can be heard for 5 to 6 miles.
- There
are and estimated 30,000 to 100,000 Lions in the wild,
mostly in protected areas in East and South Africa.
- For
more lion facts and to see the Lions of Shambala click
- The
Cheetah is found in South and East Africa and the Middle
- Cheetahs
have extremely keen eyesight and hunt predominately by
- The
hyoid structure of the Cheetah makes it able to purr.
- They
cannot climb trees, unless the branches grow horizontally.
- The
Cheetah is the only species of feline that cannot retract
its claws.
- They
can live 17 years in captivity.